Monday, January 24, 2011

Keeping A Fishing Log

The last few years ive kept a fishing log of my trips, Ive recorded Date, Times, bait, stetch of river, water temp., barometric pressure and moon phase. It really is a good resource to have so you can look back and compare data to increase your odds and pattern fish. It seems like alot of work but really it isnt, If you just jot it down on a pad of paper then log it into the computer when you have time. I use Microsoft Excell for my Logs. The thing about this is that your not going be able to use the info to your advantage right away but with time you will start to notice patterns in activity of the fish. Dont get me wrong though you will have entries at times that just throw all the science out the window. I do believe this has increased my odds Catfishing. Give it a try and see if it helps you!.......Smooth


  1. Great post bro! I have been logging my trips for a few years also! rollo

  2. My logs are worth their weight in gold to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
